Tuesday, May 28, 2013

We now have real grass instead of a sea of sand to look at

Here is what our front yard looked like in March of last year a couple of months after we moved in.  When I composed that photo, I tried to minimize the fact that there was very little grass.
Below is what it looks like today after we completed spreading the mulch around the trees and flowerbeds.  Actually, Sandy spread  90 percent of the mulch.

Below is the back yard last year.  There was almost no grass to speak off.  Anything that was green was left alone because its roots would hold in place what little topsoil we have.

And here it is today.

By the numbers:

*100 pounds of grass seed
*40 pounds of fertilizer
*13 yards of topsoil
*13 yards of mulch
*countless gallons of water
*countless hours of work

And, I am not done.  I need to buy another 50 pounds of seed to fill in a number of sparse areas, as well as plant some areas in the back yard that are still all sand.  It will take all summer and fall to fully establish this lawn.

But, we are closer to those bocce ball games.